Tuesday, April 10, 2012

"B" Ark. Problem solved.

       "Yes, so anyway," he resumed, "the idea was that into the first ship, the 'A' ship, would go all the brilliant leaders, the scientists, the great artists, you know, all the achievers; and into the third, or 'C' ship, would go all the people who did the actual work, who made things and did things, and then into the `B' ship - that's us - would go everyone else, the middlemen you see."

He smiled happily at them.

"And we were sent off first," he concluded..."

..."It's a funny thing you know," said the Captain at last, "but now that I actually come to tell the story to someone else ..."

-Douglas Adams-
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

       If the world only worked that way.  Send all the middlemen into space.  I would be happier.  See it all goes back about a year ago... (fade to one year ago with tinkly music...)

       There I was, beginning a book.  Not my Magnum Opus.  Not the first great novel of the new millennium.  Just a novel set in Chicago by someone who actually lived there, or you know, had seen it once.  Unlike most other books set in Chicago.  I worked on it sporadically; adding bits here and there.

       I got to a point where I'm about half done and learned, by reading about such things, that most people pitch a new story idea before they ever begin writing.  I went on to learn how the publishing industry works.  

       Mostly there are a series of shysters who try to steal from people who have done the actual work.  Just like the patent system.  Unlike the patent system, no publisher will even accept a manuscript, (the patent office will), unless it comes from a literary agent.  

       We are forced to deal with middlemen.  

       In my line of work there are companies who will not sell supplies directly to a hospital, because they have a contract with a distribution company.  (I'm looking at you Welch Allyn)  Naturally there is a mark up involved.  (For the record, the Affordable Care Act fails to address this.  Sad, as this one is an easy fix).  

       It may not solve every problem, to eliminate the middlemen, and some are actually quite necessary.  But would it hurt to just get rid of the ones that don't need to be here.  I'll donate some time to help build the rocket.  (And add Rocket Scientist to my Resume)

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