Monday, July 30, 2012

WTF is a Kiyi?

       The short answer is a fish.  The kiyi is a fish.  You have never heard of this fish and neither, apparently, has my spell checker.  The kiyi is a fish that is supposed to be in ridiculous proliferation in the great lakes, as is the cisco, the bloater, many types of sculpin, the harelip sucker, many types of herring, and the lake sturgeon, as well as a host of others.  The Atlantic salmon, (silver to many of you) was native to only lake Ontario, so could be considered a "native species" of sorts.  But only here.  It is an introduced species in the pacific northwest.  (sorry, its true).  The Lake trout is the only large sport-fish, currently in any numbers, that has any business in the Great Lakes.

       As fascinating as those two pages are, please take a moment and peruse the next link.  Along the left, in blue, is a list of the non-native species now in the great lakes.  Each is a link that will tell you more about the fish. 
       Notice anything odd?  Anything at all?  Something like; every single "sport-fishing" species is either invasive, or introduced.  Some, like the salmon, are aggressively stocked every year.  Why would this bother a lifelong fisherman, like myself?
       We spend tons of cash (yes, literally) to stock the great lakes with introduced species.  We spend even more money trying to control "invasive species" like Asian carp and zebra mussels.  The short version is that depending on the species we are wasting a lot of money to stock, or de-stock certain species.
       The exact cost is proving difficult to pin down.  I know you expect better of me than this excuse; I expect better of me too.  But the Great Lakes are bordered by many states, several provinces, two countries, and multiple DNR's, each of which has their own budgeting, stocking strategy, and poorly maintained public information sites.

       So when we hear these news reports about the horrible infestations of invasive species threatening our native fish in the Great Lakes; think back on the first paragraph here.  Those aren't the "Native" species they are talking about.  They are talking about the Salmon, that have no business there in the first place.

       Thanks go out to my brother in law, who speaks on this topic a lot.  Also, he is invited to write his own posts, (on any topic he likes) here.  (Seriously Gob, just let me know and I'll add you as an author.)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Children. What they don't tell you.

       I am keeping to my vow to not discuss politically contentious issues here while they are emotional ones. Instead I am presenting another "what they don't tell you"

       "Oh! you're having a baby.  How wonderful.  It's so rewarding to be a parent."

       Not to disparage this attitude, because it is rewarding, but there are many things that get left out.  A baby's cry is the exact frequency and tone to disrupt sleep.  That is not my opinion, (well it is, but also) it has been proven scientifically.  (I'm too lazy to reference the study, so I'm following the media's example and just saying things without citing a source.)
       All children are bipolar, diabetic, sociopaths.  They are Bipolar because they swing from the highs to the lows instantly.  this eventually wears on the parents, who become a bit like this themselves.  I say they are diabetic because they get cranky, unreasonable, and a bit crazed if they don't get a constant supply of food, and completely manic when given sugar.
       The sociopath thing is more complicated, but true, because all of us are sociopaths until we learn that we are not the center of the universe.  For some it never really goes away.  For kids, they are the center of the universe, because to them the universe is mommy and daddy.  As their perception increases, mental conflicts are caused by the dawning realization that they are insignificant, in the grand scheme of things. (as are we all)
       It would be good if we were told upfront just how much quality of life changes for the worse. I love my kids and they are wonderful. Truly I never understood what love was before having children. They have made me a better, more thoughtful person.
       This is because if I hadn't become more thoughtful, I would have gone completely insane. No sleep, no time to think, no ability to spend time "decompressing", and no time to spend with my wife, (alternating shifts) let alone friends, (with their own lives, or kids) adds up to becoming either more contemplative, or homicidal.

There are those who will think me a monster for having written this. And there are those who are parents.

Relax. That is why we keep the booze to ourselves.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Colorado Shooting.

       We have all heard about the tragedy.  We all know the young man with a degree in neuroscience was a little off in the head.  It is a shame that someone could do something like that.  But there is a worse crime happening in its wake.
       There are those (mayors of L.A. and NY notably) who are using this event, before any facts are known, as a way to further their anti-gun agenda.  Demanding that the President, and the man running against him immediately declare what they are going to do about this.  "How do we keep this from happening again?"
       They want, essentially, the cart before the horse.  We don't yet even know what exactly happened, or why this young man snapped.  Or even why he booby trapped his apartment (by all appearances).  Yet there are those who will use any tragedy to further their own agenda.
       Why not wait, find out the facts, and then, if necessary, act.  I say "if necessary" because this is obviously a determined, insane, person.  No law will ever stop a determined, insane person.  This type of knee jerk reaction is understandable from a grieving parent, or a wounded bystander.  From a politician it is unacceptably filthy politics.
       I would point out to that demand tougher laws based on the action of one person invites a host of troubles.  I will refrain from my normal, condescendingly simple, examples; so as not to play at the same petty politics that others so willingly foul themselves with.

       First, let's find out exactly what happened.  Second, we need time to heal.  Third, debate whether change to the law may be needed, or whether this was just an isolated incident.  (again, laws cannot be based on the actions of a determined, insane person.) Fourth, after all of this is done, and if it is determined that a change is required, we need to find the best course of action.
       Any politician, journalist, blogger etc., demanding immediate action after this,or any other tragedy, is merely attempting to profiteer from it.  Those people, no matter what side of the aisle they represent, should be charged with inciting a riot.  (Research what that entails before disagreeing)  They certainly should not be re-elected.
       To any who have kept their peace, kept silent, and are waiting for the facts to be known: bravo!  There is hope for you yet.

"Keep calm and carry on"