Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Chicago's Inspector General

       The inspector General made some recommendations to the Mayor to achieve financial stability for the city.  I was not aware that such things fell within the auspices of his job.  No matter.  I am optimistic.  Not because some grandstanding appointee, politician makes idiotic statements.  Not because some of these ideas were clearly contrived simply to make the others appear sane by comparison.  (Yes, I mean the toll on Lake shore drive)  Not because of this flagrant wagging of the dog.
       I am optimistic because within minutes, both the media and the people were saying that this was clearly done for the reasons listed above.  The people of Chicago, despite a history of being assumed to be stupid, are becoming quite a bit harder to put one over on.  I will stop short of saying that the people are wising up; but at least they have become so jaded and suspicious of government that they see past the more obvious smoke screens. Making the few of us still working pay higher taxes and fees, only makes class warfare the norm. 
       What no one seems to realize though, is that there is only one way out of this financial mess.  You see the welfare economy we have put in place after WWII relied on constant exponential growth in order to function.  We allow our jobs to be outsourced, and the people who used to work in factories all transitioned to construction.  This is something we all should have seen coming.  The solution, you see, is to bring back manufacturing.  Also, unlike what the President and his cabinet say; building roads, schools and bridges are not real jobs.  The true wealth of America is not our schools roads and bridges.  Those are symbols of our (now former) wealth. 
       The true wealth of America has always been that each American was allowed to work as hard as they want, to achieve what they want.  Our wealth was that we built what the rest of the world needed and wanted.  The only road back to that level of prosperity is protectionism.  Our jobs are more important than Chinese jobs.  That is the way every other country works: by treating their interests as more important than anything else.  Why are we not doing the same?  It does no good for me to yell for everyone to "BUY AMERICAN!", because we would only be able to buy food then.  And we would need to check sources first. 
       We need to set ridiculously high tariffs on imported goods.  Completed or not.  We need to set in place a 51% ownership rule like every other country.  (All companies, or subsidiaries operating in the country must be at least 51% owned by citizens thereof.)  We need laws that protect the American worker.  Corporations only outsource because the law allows it.  Change that and we will fix our entire economy.  Then, and only then, can we help the rest of the world.

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