Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Racism is not necessarily hatred

       I've been seeing a lot of posts about how racist certain things are.  Things like, disagreeing with protesters.  Or wanting to lock up all Muslims.  While the latter certainly does not reflect enlightened thinking, it isn't racist.  Muslim, isn't a race, therefore, while it is a bigoted statement, it is not racist.

       But I'm speaking more of the first example.  If a group of protesters at a college want to demonstrate, my agreement is not required.  That's one of the things that makes this country great.  But my disagreement doesn't make me racist, and it certainly doesn't mean I hate them.  And to screen the media for agreement, before allowing them to cover a protest, as has recently occurred, and branding them racist if they don't agree, is foolishness.  "Racist" isn't a mildly disparaging term to be applied to anyone you disagree with.  If the label sticks, it can ruin careers.  And if over-used, will lead to semantic satiation, and the word loses all meaning.

       Racism, first off, should be defined by what it is, not what it isn't.  Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race, or the inferiority of another.  To the point of my title, hatred is entirely possible without racism, and racism can occur without hatred.  You may have read Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee.  If you haven't, you should.  (Note: I know people who have experienced nausea by reading this book, due only to the nature of the frank conversations that occur in it.  There is no gore depicted, nor even any violence.)

       While it is a work of fiction, it depicts a very real scenario.  A man who absolutely believes in the inferiority of those of African decent, while only bearing them good will.  He, in fact, considers whites to be their stewards and feels pity for them.  This is the type of well meaning racism present in many government programs.  It is not to be confused with hatred.  It is a much more insidious racism, that comes bearing gifts, instead of burning crosses.

        We can all think of hundreds of examples of hatred occurring without the need of racism, so I don't feel any special need to cite examples.  But we should begin to see that racism can occur without hatred.  So beware the people hiding under white hoods, but be sure to keep an eye on the ones that treat races like species, and try to protect the endangered ones.  They are just as racist; just less honest about it.


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