Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Advance vs. Progress

       Let's take a moment and think deeply about what constitutes progress, and what is merely an advancement.  In order to get a feel for this, I will list some examples of each, and discuss why they are categorized where they are.
       The App Phone (Android, iphone etc.)  This is an example of progress, as it completely altered the way we interact with technology.  The Cell phone of old is merely a telephone, the App phone is a portable computer, and all that entails, that also makes calls.
       An example of Advance, without progress is the battery powered towel dispensers that seem to be popping up all over.  Rolled paper is cheaper than a "c" or "z" fold (pull one and the next comes out) self dispenser.  BUT batteries are costly, become depleted, leaving users with no way to access towels, are environmentally less sound than the NOTHING that would be used to power the other dispenser, and there is one more insidious point.  When you see the Battery powered dispensers, there is usually a soap dispenser that takes batteries, with the same issues, and a toilet paper dispenser that holds four rolls.  Nothing says "this restroom never gets cleaned" like an industrial paper dispenser.
       Some things are less clear cut.  Hybrid cars are certainly advanced, but progress?  No.  All told they are not economically viable, (you won't make back the cost difference) they really don't get better mileage than diesels, (http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/08_37/b4099060491065.htm) and the batteries are an environmental nightmare.  Especially when you consider that the people buying them are usually trying to pollute less.
       A clean, efficient energy source to produce cheap electricity, with all electric cars powered by graphene (nano-tube) Ultracapacitors (http://green.autoblog.com/2010/12/01/supercapacitor-breakthrough-beats-batteries-with-graphene/), would be progress.  But it would greatly alter the status quo, and will never be allowed to happen.
       CFL, and LED bulbs are an advance, but not progress. (Shameless self link, http://truthdeep.blogspot.com/2011/11/why-would-you-ever-buy-cfls.html)

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