Monday, January 2, 2012

The Evangelical Atheist.

       I have a friend who is an avowed atheist.  Most people who know him do not know this.  Not because he hides it, but because, like most normal people, it just doesn't come up much in his conversations.  Most atheists are fairly quiet on the topic unless asked, just like most Christians, most Buddhists, most Jews, most Muslims, Wiccans, etc.  Most people don't throw out opinions on potentially sensitive issues.  Most won't share unless directly asked.
       This is not about them.  This is not a critique of atheism.  Atheism, believe it or not, is a religious viewpoint.  It is therefore a personally held belief (or lack thereof).  It is your opinion, and you are entitled to it.  Unless you are "that guy".  You know who you are.  The one who just has to "correct" people who are discussing religion, or God, or anything of that nature.
       There is only one objection most people of one religion, raise against another.  The need some members have to "convert" you, to their way of thinking.  Evangelism is annoying, pig-headed, ignorant behavior, that assumes no-one else's view could possibly be correct.  To evangelize, in the modern world, is the most insufferable kind of behavior.  We all have access (in the first world anyway) to all the information we require to make an informed decision about our belief in the God, or gods of our choosing.
       The only time that behavior is worse, is when it is embodied by an atheist.  That's right, atheists can be evangelical.  We have all met at least one.  "What is wrong with you?  How can someone, who is otherwise so smart, believe in God?"  Now aside from the obvious flaw in that logic, (smart person disagrees with me on only one single point, yet they are obviously wrong here) it is also indicative of someone who is incapable of either empathy, or the ability to even value another's opinion.  Something akin to a sociopath.
       Pascal's Wager aside, ( (scroll down to the decision matrix for a quick shot) there is no need to try to convert believers into non-believers.  For someone to have faith in anything, despite the world functioning the way it does; and despite the number of people who believe something else, means that one more yammering moron will not convince them otherwise.  So stop trying.  If you are right, and there is nothing else, be content with being right.  But I will contend that, just as in religious circles, evangelism is a sign of weak faith.  You need others to believe you are right in order to believe it yourself.  Belief that requires validation, is not belief.  It is trying to convince yourself by convincing others.
       I will state again, I do not think this of all atheists.  Mostly, they are a good lot.  But the ones who feel a RELIGIOUS NEED, to CONVERT me to their way of thinking need a psychological examination.  (And yes, I fell the same about religious types, thanks for asking.)  It is comical to hear someone evangelize about the lack of a religion.  Those people need a name, so I am humbly suggesting the title above.  "The Evangelical Atheist."

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